Site News: Club Pages

We’ve started adding club pages to the site.

Although we’ll add a page for a club as we come across relevant stories this is also a chance for every club to contribute news, information, event details and stories directly to the site.

Every club is welcome to nominate one or more contributors who can either email details to us or we can provide a login which they can use to post directly to the site

If you’d like your club to appear here please get in touch using our contact us page.

A quick point on areas. We’ve used these to keep navigation easier, and we are trying to keep them simple, SE, SW, Midlands, North, Wales, Scotland, Ireland. If you feel we’ve put your club in the wrong one let us know!

If you find your club is here and hasn’t asked to be please keep in mind this is a news site – and you’ve obviously been in the news!