BCA needs you!

The deadline for nominations and proposals for BCA’s upcoming AGM is fast approaching as BCA Chair Russell Myers explains:

The deadline for Proposals and Nominations to the 2022 British Caving Association AGM is midnight Sunday 20th March 2022.

The following voluntary positions are vacant and open to nominations:

1. Conservation and Access Officer

The C&A Officer acts as convenor for the C&A Working Group to take the lead on this important aspect of BCA’s work. The Group focuses on national initiatives, such as our ongoing campaigns to have caving recognised nationally as an allowable activity on open access land (our CRoW campaign). With the release of the Glover Report and the Government response currently out for consultation, there is an urgent need to take the lead and ensure BCA’s voice is heard in this process.

Although lots of hands-on cave conservation work is organised and performed regionally, BCA looks to oversee this on a national level, including coming up with agreed standards (such as the Minimal Impact Caving Guidelines, developed in collaboration with Natural England), funding conservation initiatives, and circulating important information.

2. Publications and Information Officer

The BCA work to promote the joys of underground exploration, because we believe that getting the word out about our amazing sport is key to allow it thrive.

We circulate relevant information nationally aimed at cavers and non-cavers alike, and we fund our Regional Caving Councils in doing the same. We also offer cavers, and other organisations within the caving community, services that may help them publicise themselves and the work that they’re doing.

This aspect of BCA business is managed by our Publications and Information Officer.

3. A Group Representative with a voting position on BCA Council

This position represents the groups making up BCA membership, for instance caving clubs and whilst there is no requirement for nomination by a group it would be desirable for the representative to have a background in this area of membership. The position is a voting one on BCA Council.

4. An Individual Representative with a voting position on BCA Council

Open to any Member to represent the membership on an individual basis and hold a voting position on BCA Council.

Anyone interested in taking up any of the above positions, please contact the BCA Secretary secretary@british-caving.org.uk and submit a statement no longer than 300 words describing their credentials.

Council is able to co-opt anyone interested in a position ahead of the AGM where potential candidates who put themselves forward for a position will be subject to a vote by Council for acceptance. There is an expectation to have this ratified by election at the AGM.

For an informal chat about the positions, please contact any member of the Executive Committee with your phone details:

Russell Myers chair@british-caving.org.uk
Allan Richardson secretary@british-caving.org.uk
Howard Jones treasurer@british-caving.org.uk

Kind Regards