Volunteers needed, get involved!

The British Caving Association eAGM is being held at 10.30am on Sunday 11 June 2023 on Zoom. Details of how to join the meeting or watch the livestream can be found on the BCA website. In addition, the BCA is looking for volunteers to help run the organisation. BCA chair Russell Myers has the following message for all cavers …

BCA AGM Vacant posts open to nominations from the floor

BCA currently functions with assistance from three paid part-time staff which is most appreciated but largely operates with the goodwill of volunteers. In the event that we do not recruit to some of the current vacancies, it is likely we shall need to consider more paid staff for some of those positions with an attendant increase in costs which will end up being passed on to the membership and a corresponding increase in subscriptions.

The following positions will be vacant at the time of the AGM on Sunday 11th June 2023 at 10.30 am and open to nominations from the floor.

Treasurer (voting)
A member of the BCA Executive Committee along with the Chair and Secretary with overall responsibility for the BCA finances and with support from the Finance Committee.
Note As this is a voting position on Council, nominations will be forwarded to an electronic vote of the membership for approval.

Publications and information Officer (non-voting)
Assists BCA with publicity, engagement with its members and developing a media strategy with support from a Working Group.
Note As this is a non-voting position on Council, nominations will be considered by the BCA Council for approval at the Council Meeting on 27th June

Youth and Development Officer (non-voting)
This position is focused on providing support to young people and associated organisations developing their experience and caving skills with support from a Working Group.
Note As this is a non-voting position on Council, nominations will be considered by the BCA Council for approval at the Council Meeting on 27th June

IT manager (non-voting)
Managing the BCA IT systems with support from a Working Group.
Note As this is a non-voting position on Council, nominations will be considered by the BCA Council for approval at the Council Meeting on 27th June

Group/Club Representative (voting)
An individual position to represent the interests of Clubs and other groups on the BCA Council.
Note As this is a voting position on Council, nominations will be forwarded to an electronic vote of the membership for approval.

In anticipation of candidates interested before the AGM, please provide a nomination statement of no more than 300 words in support of your nomination and submit it to the Secretary BCA at secretary@british-caving.org.uk

For an informal discussion about any of the positions, please do not hesitate to contact the Secretary above or chair@british-caving.org.uk or treasurer@british-caving.org.uk We are also interested in anyone prepared to help with any of the positions above but not necessarily apply for the actual posts. Please get in touch.

Russell Myers Chair British Caving Association 15th May 2023