Here we go with our latest round-up of news and views from around the world. If you see anything you think we might have missed, do drop us a line. Many thanks to Herman de Swart for his continued support sending in links!
Cave Art
Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme: Atlas de la grotte Chauvet-Pont d’Arc
Cuba News: New cave painting art site discovered in Cuba
KhaosodEnglish: Gov’t Denies Trading Prehistoric Cave Paintings for Mines
EurekAlert!: Ancient mantis-man petroglyph discovered in Iran
Phys Org: First pocket-sized artworks from Ice Age Indonesia show humanity’s ancient drive to decorate
Heritage daily: 10 prehistoric cave paintings
Cosmos Magazine: Cave art could be link to Australia’s first people
Cave Archaeology
Heritage Daily: Revolutionary new method for dating pottery shed new light on prehistoric past
Ancient Origins: Ghar Dalam – Malta’s Unexplained Cave of Bones
Pune News, Times of India: Stone Age tools in Konkan cave uncover early human footprint
PhysOrg: Siberian Neanderthals originated from various European populations
Homindes: Sierra de Atapuerca
Live Science: Bones of Neolithic immigrants killed in massacre found in Spanish cave
Ancient Origins: Dozens of Mummies and Skeletons Found in Canary Islands Cave Tomb
New Scientist: Thousands of Denisovan tools reveal their Stone Age technologies
Phys Org: Stone-age ‘likes’: Study establishes eggshell beads exchanged over 30,000 years
Yabiladi: A Morocco cave houses the earliest evidence of carcass processing and consumption
The Guardian: Cave find shows Neanderthals collected seafood
BBC News: Neanderthals ate sharks and dolphins
Phys Org: Discovering the diet of the fossil Theropithecus oswaldi found in Cueva Victoria in Spain
Le Monde: Au Gabon, une grotte pourrait révéler des secrets vieux de 700 ans
Phys Org: Homo naledi juvenile remains offers clues to how our ancestors grew up
Phys Org: Modern humans, Neanderthals share a tangled genetic history
New Scientist: Europe’s cave bears may have died out because of their large sinuses
Springer Link: The Zeyi Cave Geosite in Northern Ethiopia
Springer Link: Underground Geosites and Caving Speleotourism: Some Considerations, From a Case Study in Southern Italy
Springer Link: Unique Hydration Caves and Recommended Photogrammetric Methods for Their Documentation
Ancient Origins: Hundreds of Roman Wine Amphorae Found in Underwater Cave
Cave Exploration
Futura Plan: Vidéo | Hang Soon Dong : la plus grande grotte du monde filmée avec un drone
Arab News: The woman unlocking mysteries of Saudi Arabia’s caves
Scientific American Blog Network: The Thousand Caves of Mars
Cave Science
Bloomberg News: A Bat Cave Run by Monks Shows It’s Hard to Banish Virus Risk
Science Direct: Nocticolid cockroaches are the only known dinosaur age cave survivors
EurekAlert!: Global database for Karst spring discharges
LAD Bible: NASA Thinks There Could Be Life In Underground Caves On Mars
Discover Magazine: Why Bats Are Breeding Grounds for Deadly Diseases Like Ebola and SARS
Scientific American: How China’s “Bat Woman” Hunted Down Viruses from SARS to the New Coronavirus
EurekAlert: Illness won’t stop vampire bat moms from caring for their offspring
Scientific American: Burned Habitats Benefit Bats
BBC News: Vampire bats ‘French kiss with blood’ to form lasting bonds
New Scientist: Bats can learn to copy sounds and it may teach us about human speech
CNET: Ancient pack rat nests could offer snapshots of Earth’s past
Invest Records: Italian cave makes sense of the change in Earth’s ice age rhythm
Research Highlights: Gigantic dinosaur footprints are found on the roof of a cave
Cave Rescue
Deeper Blue: The Untold Story Of The Thai Cave Rescue
The Scotsman: Obituary, Jim Salvona, Lifelong Caver Who Continued Exploring Underground in His Nineties
World Atlas: Top 10 Most Adventurous Caving Destinations In The World