Adventures Underground

The second edition of the popular Adventures Underground by Dave Haigh and John Cordingley is available now from Wildplaces Publishing.

The first edition, reviewed here, won the 2017 Tratman Award and sold out very quickly. This revised paperback edition contains three new chapters, adding 48 pages to bring the total to 288.

This very readable and entertaining account of some classic exploration in the Yorkshire dales covers, amongst other things, the hunt for the Penyghent Master Cave, droughts and floods at Hull Pot, work in the Kingsdale caves from the perspective of both cavers and cave divers, further discoveries in Gaping Gill, the opening of the Notts II Dry Way, the Three Counties Connection as well as diving, digging and discoveries at Malham. These and plenty more stories will appeal to anyone with an interest in exploration beneath the Yorkshie Dales.

ARTHUR Gemmell and Jack Myers’ classic 1952 caving book Underground Adventure has been the inspiration for many cavers’ lifelong passion. Dave Haigh and John Cordingley are two such cave explorers, who in 2017 were motivated to write their own award-winning book, Adventures Underground. This followed the style of the original, bringing the chapters up to date with many first-hand accounts of new discoveries in which they played significant roles. It brought to life the dedication, ingenuity and sheer hard work needed to break new ground and captured the thrill of exploration.

Their book was well received, won a major literature award and is now out of print. Here, by popular demand, is a completely new edition. With all chapters revised and updated, this larger volume benefits from extra chapters and many new surveys and images. Owners of the 2017 first edition will find details of more recent discoveries and the stories behind them. As before, the book is written to be enjoyed by anyone interested in the outdoors as much as by seasoned cavers.

The book retails at £29.95.Copies can be obtained from Wildplaces Publishing.

[Post updated 3.10.2024 as book now available.]