Event: Mendip Rocks! 2016, 20th October – “Underground and Overground in the Mendip Hills”


The finale of Mendip Rocks! 2016, which has been celebrating the 450 million year history of the Mendip Hills  is taking place at Wells Museum on Saturday 29th October 9.30am – 4pm – “Underground and Overground in the Mendip Hills”

Come along and enjoy a day of lectures and lunch,


09.30 am Coffee & Welcome to Mendip Rocks! Finale Day

10.00 am Alan Gray – “Ochre Mining and other minerals, Mendip Registry and Archive”

11.00 am Refreshments

11.30 am Duncan Price – “Deepest Mendip” – Cave diving to explore Mendip’s largest springs of St Andrew’s Well, Wookey Hole and Cheddar.

Lunch 12.30-1.15

Ploughman’s Lunch: local Cheddar or Pate, Roll, pickle and salad.
Cake/flapjack & Tea/coffee/juice! Or visit one of the local pubs.


1.15 pm Prof Chris King – “The Mendip Volcanoes” What were they like, would you have survived?

2.15 pm Tea – local fossils and Mendip Rocks! Box on display in foyer

2.45 pm Les Davies MBE – “Mendip Hills Through the Time Tunnel”

3.45 pm Final questions & thanks

4.00pm event finish

£10 to include ploughman’s lunch, tea and cake

.Wells Museum, Cathedral Green, Wells, BA5 2UE.

Booking: [email protected]

Tel: 01749 671770

All details on AONB website: www.mendiphillsaonb.org.uk/aonb-events

Mendip Rocks! Facebook page: Facebook/@MendipRocks



For further information, contact:

Adel Avery, Festival Coordinator

[email protected]

Adel: 01749 840240 or 07870271588

Information received courtesy of Duncan Price