Descent 260 will be with you very shortly! If you’re not up to date with your subscription, now is the time to renew. The lovely folks at Wild Places Publishing will be very happy to add you to the subscriptions list so you don’t miss out.
As ever there’ll be a packed Newsdesk to bring you up to date with what’s been happening in the caving world both at home and abroad. You’ll find the usual round-ups of regional caving and mining news plus an excellent array of longer articles and stunning photos. The following is just a sample of the highlights on offer…
Descent recently sponsored CHECC’s literature prize and publishes the winning entry, Down the Deep Pit, describing the unforgettable thrill of the first time descending a shaft on SRT. And talking of thrills, in the past 25 years, 468km of cave has been explored in Meghalaya, firmly establishing it as a destination offering world-class caving. This issues celebrates the anniversary of a quarter of a century of exploration there.
At home, the full story can finally be told of the recent extensions to Treak Cliff Cavern in Derbyshire, and there’s a report on the 2017 Hidden Earth Conference held at Churchill on Mendip. Ogof Draenen has hit the news several times recently, with more controversy over a fresh entrance. Viewpoint, puts forward a personal look at some of the conservation implications for one of the few wilderness areas left in Britain.
On a sad note, cavers bid farewell to Scoff, one of Britain’s most respected cave divers.
Gear Review takes an appreciative look at CS Mudlark, a decades-old oversuit, still going strong.
All this and more for only the price of a couple of pints of beer per issue. We’ll be bringing you a full report very shortly but, in the meantime, we hope the above is enough to whet your appetite and send you over to the Wild Places Publishing subscriptions page to ensure yours is up to date!