The British Caving Library

The British Caving Library (BCL) is a national research and reference library based in the Peak District, owned by BCRA and staffed part-time by a librarian.

Visitors working in the library in the early days. Photo courtesy of Jenny Potts.

The library mostly comprises published and archived material collected by BCRA and its predecessor organisations, with a minority of the items on long-term loan from clubs and individuals.  The library functions with the generous financial assistance of the British Caving Association, through which the library is able to offer its services to all cavers and to all those interested in cave science and related topics.  The Library continues to enlarge its holdings through exchanges, donations and purchases.

The Library is situated in the Peak District, about 5 miles south of Buxton, and the address is:

British Caving Library,
The Studio,
Glutton Bridge,
Buxton, Derbyshire,
SK17 0EN.

Phone: 01298 83382

The library welcomes enquiries by phone or by email and the full range of services we provide can be seen by logging onto the Library website:  We also welcome visitors but, as the library isn’t staffed every day, please email the Librarian beforehand to ensure that someone is there to greet you when you come.

As part of EuroSpeleo2016, during the Peak District “camp”, the Library will be open every day from Monday 22nd to Saturday 27th  August from 10.30am to 4pm and will welcome all visitors during that week.

Correspondent: Jenny Potts, BCRA Library Co-ordinator