BCRA newsletter March 2020

>>Latest COVID-19 News

In this newsletter…

Field Meetings and Library access (COVID 19)
Membership Renewal
Latest periodicals now online
British Cave Science Centre

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Field Meetings and Library access (COVID 19)

Not unexpectedly, the COVID-19 situation means that we are having to postpone our field meetings planned for this Spring.

I’m using the word “postpone” rather than “cancel” because we hope to be able to reschedule the meetings for later in the year, but obviously this depends on how the situation develops. The BCRA/GPF Expeditions Seminar last weekend was postponed, and the next two SIG field meetings
– CREG and CAG – have also been postponed. Decisions on meetings due to take place later in the year will be taken in the coming weeks.

If you need to check on the status of a meeting, please go to the BCRA calendar or contact the meeting organiser directly.

Please also note that strictly no visits should be made to the British Caving Library except by prior arrangement. Check the Library Facebook page for any further notices about the operation of the library.

Membership Renewal

If you have not yet renewed your membership for 2020, please do so as soon as you can. I will be sending out some reminder emails shortly.

We would prefer members to renew and pay online, rather than by cheque.

If you must pay by cheque, please go online first and complete the form.

Your acknowledgement email will then give you a reference number to write on the back of your cheque.

Latest periodicals now online

Cave & Karst Science 46(3) and CREG Journal 109 are now both online. Cave & Karst Science 47(1) is due to be mailed in April. We have rearranged our online content very slightly, and you can now see a summary of our different “catalogues” here.

British Cave Science Centre

The Cave Monitoring Centre (BCRA’s operation at Poole’s Cavern) has been re-named the Cave Science Centre, and Andi Smith has started to put together a web site. More on this later in the summer.

David Gibson, BCRA Secretary