Deep Thought

Book Review: Aberllefeni Slate Quarry, by Jon Knowles

A really good mining book comes along from time to time. Mike Moore reviews a newly-published volume on an important slate quarry in North Wales. Aberllefeni Slate Quarry - A history of the last underground ...

Descent 291: Respecting Cavers Future and Past

It was with a good deal of reflection that I read the newly-published Descent 291. Within its pages there are no less than six tributes to cavers who have passed away recently. But as long-respected ...

Book Review: Somerset Underground volume 3

This is the third volume of a four volume set covering the caves, mines and associated features of the county of Somerset. Volume 1 was published in 2020 and features Bristol, Broadfield Down, the Bristol ...

Descent 289: Drones, bones, and a huge stalagmite

Descent 289 - The first issue under new management, and the verdict is more, please! Chris Scaife and Carolina Smith will no doubt have been experiencing high levels of adrenaline in recent weeks, as they ...

Coming Soon: Descent 289, the start of the new editorial era …

The first issue edited by the new team of Chris Scaife and Carolina Smith is about to hit the streets. Make sure your subscription is up to date, so you don't miss out on all ...

Descent 288: a special issue!

Descent 288 is now out, and marks a significant milestone in its long history. This issue is a major landmark for a magazine, which can justifiably claim to have become an established institution of the ...

Descent 287: digging everywhere!

A wide variety of news stories and superb features make up issue 287 of Descent, now distributed to caving outlets and subscribers. As usual, there is a news roundup from the main UK caving regions ...

Caves of Assynt, edited by Tim Lawson and Peter Dowswell

The Grampian Speleological Group (GSG), Scotland's premier caving club, has a long history of producing guides to the country's caves; indeed this is third edition of a guide that was first published in 1972. However, ...

Descent 286: Lights! Action! Cavers go to the movies

Secret hideouts, cave-related films, bats and the latest on CRoW are among the stories in the latest informative and enjoyable issue of Descent magazine. Issue 286 provides the usual mix of caving news and opinion ...

Hidden Worlds – Robbie Shone’s cave photos showcased in new high-quality book

Most British cavers will be familiar with the work of Robbie Shone who has been photographing the world's caves for the last 20 years or more. Now a selection of his pictures has been brought ...

Descent 285: Jet-washing, drills, big birthdays and a gradual return to normal caving

The caving world may be slowly starting to return to what passes for normal, according to the latest issue of Descent. After so long of having to report news about caving activities being adversely affected ...

Descent 284: The Smithy rescue, and much more

Subscribers of the magazine Descent will by now have received the latest issue, number 284, and for those that do not, this is one you really do not want to ignore. Visit  Wildplaces Publishing to ...