Deep Thought

The Caves of Mid-West Ireland

UBSS, Bristol. 2019. 364pp, 20 colour photographs, 136 maps and surveys. Hardback, 180mm × 248mm. £20 ISBN 978-0-9545850-1-3 In one sense, Caves of Mid-West Ireland is the fourth edition of this caving guidebook, while in ...

In the news…

In a new feature for 2020, we're now bringing you a round-up of some of the news and views from around the world. Where multiple similar reports exist, we've opted for what appears to be ...

Concrete Evidence – a curious manuscript

Alan Jeffreys recently came across a curious manuscript entitled Concrete Evidence, a speleo novel by Victor Stephen Wignore and reviews it here for Darkness Below. Squirrelled away amongst the papers of Eli Simpson and the ...

Shining a light on the new Lynx X Basic

Peter Burgess' trusty old Petzl Duo lamp finally gave up the ghost after 15 years. He reports back on its replacement - the Lynx X Basic. Before we start, please bear in mind that I ...

Cave fish, cake and karst

The BCRA's 30th annual science symposium took place at Keyworth,hosted by the British Geological Survey. I attended the Saturday session and was impressed by the depth and variety of scientific work being undertaken by British ...

Brits showcase their exploits at home and abroad in the latest Descent

Descent 270 has now arrived! If a copy hasn’t reached you, it’s time to head over to Wildplaces Publishing to subscribe now or if you’re lucky enough to have a caving shop anywhere near you, ...

Descent 269 now available

Descent 269 should now have landed on your mat, making an even heavier thud than usual with eight extra pages this issue! If a copy hasn’t reached you, it’s time to head over to Wildplaces ...

Book review: Life Ruins

A young woman is so savagely beaten that it’s impossible to work out her identity. Becca thinks she knows who the woman must be, but the police aren’t convinced by her claims. But someone is ...

Book review: Death Sentence

Swildon's Hole and a terminally bad experience in Sump 1 feature in our latest look at caving fiction. I’ve followed Damian Boyd’s West Country police series on and off over the years but managed to ...

Descent 268 now available

Descent 268 is now available! If a copy hasn’t arrived with you, it’s time to head over to Wildplaces Publishing to subscribe now or if you’re lucky enough to have a caving shop anywhere near ...

Book review: Underground

As the cover states, Underground sets out to tell a human history of the worlds beneath our feet. As a caver, I approached a book on the underground written by an ‘urbexer’ with some trepidation ...

Cave and Karst Science Vol 46 No 1 now available

Reports on amphibians and reptiles in caves, 3-D cave mapping, and racial segregation in a South African cave are among the features in the April issue of Cave and Karst Science. There are five main ...